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AR21 No 2 Pros (no points)

St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club 559 Mirror Lake Dr. North, St. Petersburg, Florida

Area (AR) tournament of the WCD.

P22B M/L Doubles

St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club 559 Mirror Lake Dr. North, St. Petersburg, Florida

FSA State Open Pro (P) tournament in the WCD.

L04 Mirror Lake Championship

St Petersburg Shuffleboard Club 559 Mirror Lake Dr. North, St. Petersburg, Florida

Local (L) tournament of the WCD.

P25A M/L Doubles Fun n Sun

Clearwater Shuffleboard Club 1020 Calumet St., Clearwater, Florida

FSA State Open Pro (P) tournament in the WCD.

AR22 Open Doubles (no points)

Clearwater Shuffleboard Club 1020 Calumet St., Clearwater, Florida

Area (AR) tournament of the WCD.