As of Feb. 9, 2025

FSA Amateur Move-Up Points

Move-Up Points for Amateurs are earned at "D" (District), "A" (State Amateur) and "P" (State Open) tournaments, as they are listed on the tournament schedules.
By Keeper of Records - Betty Bober

FSA # NAME 2022-2023  2023-2024   2024-2025 POINTS
6764 Allen, Jim D** 0
7286 Arend, Gene 0
6613 Ascott, Mel 0
7880` Atwood, Gary 1 1 2
8004 Auchtung, Mark 1 2 1 4
6969 Bass, Sam** 4.5 4.5
Beaver, Nick 0.5 0.5
7572 Beck, Jeremy 0
8231 Buhyan, Elly 0.5 0.5
6775 Bowering, Calvin** 2 1/2 2 1/2
8019 Brittain, Dodi 1 3 1 1/2 5 1/2 State Am 11/4/2024
8415 Brown, David 3 3
8109 Buch, Dave** 0.5 2 1 3.5
8194 Buckwalter, Ken 1 3 4
7275 Burton, Harold 0
8024 Carrado, Joseph 1.5 1.5
7860 Clarke, Celia 1 1.5 2 1/2
7861 Clarke, Robert 2 1.5 1 4 1/2
7340 Clair, Lillian 0.5 0.5 1
7817 Christick, Bruce 0
7723 Davis, Larry** 0
8178 DeAngelis, Jacque 1 1/2 1.5
7914 Doyle, Brian 1 1
6432 Dulabaum, Josh 0
8230 Flood, Jaye 1.5 4.5 6 State Am 11/26/2024
8243 Fruin, Patrick 1 3 4
8467 Gebo, Richard 0.5 0.5
7917 Gonzales, Lela ** 2.5 2.5
7303 Gottardi, Debbie** 0
8207 Gover, Keri 2 1.5 3.5
8033 Harhalos, Stan 0.5 0.5
7962 Harner. Bruce 0
8238 Hartney, Gene 3 1/2 2 5 1/2 State Am 11/4/2024
8209 Hartney, Brenda** 2 2
5850 Hennigar, Alan ** 0
7728 Hiscock, John 1 1
7311 Hoad, Gary** 1 1
8246 Hopper, Grant 1 1
8247 Hopper, Martha 0.5 1 1.5
7853 Hudspeth, Cathy 0.5 0.5 1
7725 Kingsland, Dan 1
7594 Korszeniewski, John** 3.5 1.5 5 Pro 11/4/2024
8191 Larson Perez, Andrea 0.5 0.5
8210 Lavertue, Mark 1 1.5 2.5
6728 Levasseur, Bob** 3 3
8198 Maxwell, Todd 1 1
8232 McCain, Dan 0
7575 McGough, Maurice 1 1
7854 McGough, Terri 1 0.5 1.5
8020 Miller, Marty** 3 1/2 1 1/2 5 Pro12/31/2024
8391 Murphy, Rachael 2 2
8218 Nelms, Lura 3 4 7 State Am 11/4/2024
6963 Ollis, Tara 0
7275 Page, Christine 1 2
7536 Robertson, Thom** 0
8030 Rocca, Tom 0.5  1/2
7753 Roper, Tim 0
7527 Rosetti, Alan** 2 1 3
7341 Rupert, Adele 0
8235 Ruttencutter, Paul 1 1
8236 Ruttercutter, Linda** 3 1 4
7293 Ryan, James 0
8201 Samon, Cheri 1.5 0.5 2
8202 Seybold, Thanh 1 1
8032 Spehar, Jason 0.5 0.5
8204 Springer, Cally 1 1 2
7519 Superty, Lenny** 4.5 4.5
6931 Swain, Stephanie 0.5 0.5
8192 Swerdloff, Ute 0.5 0.5
7529 Taylor, Clayton 1 1 2
6548 Todaro, Charles** 2 2
8027 Tomassi, Robert 0.5 0.5
7295 Vandervliet, Brian 0
7526 Vickery, Ray 0
8233 Wolski, Richard 0.5 0.5
7819 Ziev, Jeff 0
8064 Zorich, Crystal** 2 2
    Congratulation to those who have attained the State Amateur or Pro Status
           this season and will be effective October  1, 2025.
Dodi Brittain       Gene Hartney Lura Nelms
Jaye Flood
John Korszeniewski   Marty Miller